
What Does Your Sleeping Position Say About You


There are many things about us that shouts out to other people major clues about our personalities. How we dress, our hairstyle, our makeup look, and the way we talk and interact. But there are other things we do that is very telling about our personalities—only no one is there to see them, except perhaps our significant others.

Experts tell us that the way we sleep at night, and what sleeping positions we prefer, can say a lot about not only any aches and pains we might have, but also a lot about our personalities.

Side Sleepers

According to a survey, 74% of Americans sleep on their sides. Doctors tell us this position has some advantages, especially if you choose a mattress that is described as a good mattress for side sleepers. Sleeping on your side lessens acid reflux. It also decreases snoring because your airways are able to remain fully open. This makes side-sleeping best for those who suffer from sleep apnea.

One negative about side sleeping is that it contributes to wrinkles on the face and also the chest area, as the skin there is compressed while in a side position.

But what does the tendency to sleep on the side say about our personalities? According to sleep experts, sleeping on your side with your arms at your sides (Log Position) generally means you are a social-type person who tends to be relaxed, easy-going, friendly, and trusting—maybe even too trusting, as those who sleep in this position may tend to be gullible and easily taken advantage of.

Sleeping on your side, but with arms in front of you in a reaching position (The Yearner) means you are friendly and open like those who sleep in log position, but you are not as gullible. Sleeping in this position may indicate that you are yearning for something you don’t have.

Sleeping on your side in a fetal position with you knees tucked toward your chest and hands tucked inward toward your chin is a sign of seeking safety. It is the most common side sleeping position. People who sleep this way may present a tough exterior to the world, but they are inwardly sensitive. They might appear to be shy at first, but are friendly when they feel comfortable with you. Women are twice as likely as men to sleep in this position.

Stomach Sleepers

16% of Americans report sleeping on their stomachs. This position can be rough on those with back or neck problems, because the back is in a prolonged arched position, and the head must be turned on an angle for the sleeper to be able to breathe.

Those who sleep in this position tend to be outgoing and sociable. You probably react badly to criticism, even if it’s offered in a constructive way. You may avoid confrontation or any overly emotional situation. You may also be a person who likes their wine, or beer, and tends to indulge in this without guilt.

Back Sleepers

This is most common in younger adults, and only 10% of Americans report sleeping this way regularly. This (Supine) position isn’t popular, but it is considered the best way to keep your spine aligned to prevent back and neck problems. It also prevents wrinkles by keeping your full face out in the air, rather than squished against a pillow. Those who sleep on their backs are the most likely individuals to report getting a good night’s sleep on a regular basis. Unfortunately, their partners may not sleep as well, since this position is conducive to snoring.

Back sleepers who sleep with their arms along their sides are in what’s known as the Soldier position. Those who sleep this way are likely to be strong but quiet people who prefer structure in their lives. They may not be very impulsive, and may even be inflexible. They tend to expect others to live up to standards that they set.

Those who sleep on their backs with their hands up over and around their heads (Starfish Position) tend to be supportive friends who go out of the way to both listen, and offer helpful advice to their friends. They are loyal in their relationships, and make them a priority.

What Partner Sleeping Positions Have to Say About Relationships

When partners spoon as they sleep they are generally indicating that one partner is protective of the other. It’s also a vulnerable position that shows trust in the “small spoon” of the pair.

When one person is on the side of the bed, facing away from their partner, and the partner sleeps against their back with their arms around them, this is known as The Chase. One partner is pursuing the other. The partner on the side of the bed may wish for space, or could possibly enjoy the chase, and feels good about being worthy of pursuit.

When one partner sleeps nuzzled against the other, with the head cradled against the other’s chest, it signals a very trusting relationship with mutual protectiveness. It tends to be most common at the beginning of a relationship, but some couples continue this sleeping pattern long-term.

When each partner sleeps on their side, facing away from each other, the position is known as The Liberty Lovers. Both partners prefer their space and autonomy, and shows they have closeness, but also remain independent and equal.

The Tangle is a very intense position with arms and legs tangled together. It’s most common at the beginning of a relationship, and later often turns into a temporary tangle, and then each partner rolls apart as they sleep.

The Bed Hog is the position where one partner sleeps near the center of the bed with their arms and legs starfished outward, leaving a partner to try to fit in somewhere between the other’s arm and leg. This indicates that one partner is dominant and the other has taken the submissive role.

It’s difficult to control how we sleep. We may begin the night in one position, but once we fall asleep we may naturally migrate into our preferred position, which is why the way we sleep says so much about who we are, and what underlying personality traits we have.

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