
How to write compelling content for the web


Web writing goes beyond a simple pamphlet to be posted online. Web writing is more than a collection of bullet points on a topic. These tips will help you create Web content that is both engaging and fun to write.

Do not just print and copy.

Copying and pasting marketing materials from brochures onto a website is one of the biggest mistakes a website owner can make. Writing for the Web is not the same as printing. While you may be able to use material from the outside for inspiration, it is important that you are proficient in paraphrasing and avoid plagiarism. There are many free online tools out there such as to provide you paraphrase job, you can get them to your service.

Not the New York Times, but USA Today readers.

This is not an indicator of your readers’ intelligence – the Web is global and all pages you post will be accessible to anyone with English proficiency. Write to a lower level audience to keep them interested. They are more understandable.

Inverted pyramid style is a way to write articles

Your content should be viewed as a pyramid. The first item that covers the most topic should be the top. Next, move on to the next section. This is a great way to let your readers know that they can stop reading and go to another page if they don’t need as much information. Your readers will be more interested in your content if you’re more useful to them.

Not fluff, but content

Avoid the temptation to use “marketing-speak” when writing. Your page should not feel fluffy, even if it’s trying to get your readers to take some action. Your readers will be more likely to stick with you if you add value to each page.

Keep your pages brief and to the point

Even though it is a large page, the Web isn’t a good place to publish your novel. A single chapter is not enough for most Web users. Keep your content under 10,000 characters per page. You can write a longer article by finding the sub-sections.

Instead of focusing on search engines, focus on your readers.

To get readers, SEO is essential. If your writing is not focused on search engines, you’ll quickly lose readers. You must use a keyword phrase in your writing to make it easily recognized by search engines. However, the phrase should not be so obvious that readers don’t notice. It is considered excessive to repeat the same phrase in more than one sentence. It is considered excessive to have the same phrase repeated in more than one paragraph.

Use lists and brief paragraphs

Keep your content brief. Your readers will be more likely to read your content if it is shorter.

Ask your readers for feedback

Your writing should reflect this interactive nature of the Web. It’s a great way of showing that you are aware that the Web is interactive. Your readers will appreciate the fact that you included your feedback in the article.

To expand your text, use images

It can be tempting to add images to pages. Images scattered throughout your document can distract and confuse your readers, unless you are a professional photographer or an artist. Pictures should be used to enhance the text and not just to decorate it.

These rules should not be applied blindly

These rules can all be broken. Know your audience well and discover why you are breaking the rules before others. Your audience will enjoy reading your Web writing and you will too.

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