
What Is Rhinoplasty And How It Is Done?


Rhinoplasty is a procedure in which the surgeon’s precision and artistic sense play an important role. For goal in rhinoplasty is that the new nose does not call attention to itself but blends fully into the general context of the face. Since there is no perfect or ideal nose, the time to explain what you want and expect from the surgery is during your first visit to your surgeon. The procedure can be done under general anesthesia or with a local anesthetic and sedation. The nose is primarily a sensory and respiratory organ. It is a complex structure formed of bones and cartilage covered on the inside by the respiratory mucous membrane and the outside by skin. It also functions as an olfactory organ and protects the environment. These factors are important since rhinoplasty in addition to achieving a certain aesthetic level should preserve all nasal functions intact.

How a rhinoplasty procedure goes by?

The procedure is performed through incisions made to the inside of the nose which doctors refer to as closed rhinoplasty. It can be performed by adding another almost imperceptible incision on the columella, the central column of tissue separating the nostrils. This is what is called an open rider busting, your surgeon will indicate which method is best for your case. Initially, the dorsum or bridge of the nose will be reduced or augmented as needed. Doctors can use the patient’s tissues to give height or support to the nasal pyramid. The tip of the nose is the most delicate part of the procedure and the surgeon must exercise the greatest care. They can narrow the nostrils by reducing the size of the alar cartilage always taking the utmost care to preserve its structure by suturing. Doctors can modify the cartilaginous structure of the nasal tip and can also join the cartilages that form the columella. They can even insert cartilage to stabilize it, the use of cartilage grafts in this area to stabilize or give greater definition must be done with the greatest finessed and must be firmly secured.

What are the final steps involved in a rhinoplasty

Finally, it may be necessary to fracture the nasal bones to close the space created in the dorsal. This manoeuvre is responsible for small hematomas that usually appear after the procedure. A splint is normally applied contrary to its appearance rhinoplasty is not a painful procedure however a certain amount of postoperative enema is normal as is the presence of bruises, which tend to recede in the first weeks.

It is important to keep in mind that judgments cannot be passed on the results of a rhinoplasty until several months or even a year have passed. It is a cosmetic procedure and has changed the shape of your body. It will take a specific amount of time to adjust to the surroundings and face. Plus the gelling of issues and bones is also very important and it can take a substantial amount of time.

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